The Waltons was a beloved television series that aired from 1972 to 1981 and followed the lives of the Walton family, who lived in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia during the Great Depression and World War II. Over the years, the show featured a large cast of characters, many of whom have since passed away.
Here is a list of some of the actors who have passed away from The Waltons:
- Will Geer – Will Geer played the role of Grandpa Zebulon Tyler Walton on The Waltons. He passed away in 1978 at the age of 76 from a heart attack.
- Ellen Corby – Ellen Corby played the role of Grandma Esther Walton on The Waltons. She passed away in 1999 at the age of 87 from a stroke.
- Ralph Waite – Ralph Waite played the role of John Walton Sr. on The Waltons. He passed away in 2014 at the age of 85 from natural causes.
- Jon Walmsley – Jon Walmsley played the role of Jason Walton on The Waltons. He is still alive as of 2022.
- Mary McDonough – Mary McDonough played the role of Erin Walton on The Waltons. She is still alive as of 2022.
- David W. Harper – David W. Harper played the role of Jim-Bob Walton on The Waltons. He is still alive as of 2022.
- Eric Scott – Eric Scott played the role of Ben Walton on The Waltons. He is still alive as of 2022.
- Kami Cotler – Kami Cotler played the role of Elizabeth Walton on The Waltons. She is still alive as of 2022.
The Waltons remains a beloved and iconic television series, and the memories of these actors will continue to live on through their performances on the show.