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What are the categories in Trivial Pursuit 20th Anniversary Edition?

Trivial Pursuit is a board game that has been a popular party game since its creation in 1979. The 20th Anniversary Edition of the game, released in 1999, includes six categories of trivia questions:

  1. Geography: This category includes questions about countries, cities, and geographical features.
  2. Entertainment: This category includes questions about movies, TV shows, music, and celebrities.
  3. History: This category includes questions about events and figures from the past.
  4. Art and Literature: This category includes questions about artists, writers, and works of art and literature.
  5. Science and Nature: This category includes questions about scientific concepts and natural phenomena.
  6. Sports and Leisure: This category includes questions about sports, hobbies, and leisure activities.

Each category is represented by a different color on the Trivial Pursuit board, and players move their game pieces around the board and try to collect all six colored wedges by correctly answering questions from each category. The first player to collect all six wedges and reach the center of the board wins the game.

Trivial Pursuit has been through many iterations since its original release, with new versions featuring different categories and question sets. However, the 20th Anniversary Edition remains a classic and is still enjoyed by trivia enthusiasts today.

While these categories are very similar to those in other editions of Trivial Pursuit, you can expect the questions and answers to be amped up and highly focused on the first twenty years of the game. So, if you’re a newby going up against one of us oldsters — watch out!

We’ll take you to task if we can just find our bifocals.

And if we can’t, well, maybe we can rope you into a little game of Noogie on the Noggin.

Learn more about Trivial Pursuit categories: What are the colors in Trivial Pursuit Family Edition?

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