The 1978 movie “The Cat From Outer Space” tells the story of a highly intelligent alien cat named Zunar-J-5/9 Doric-4-7, or “Jake” for short, who crash-lands on Earth and enlists the help of a scientist and his cat-allergic wife to repair his ship and return home. Along the way, Zee uses his advanced technology and powers to help them out of various jams.
“The Cat From Outer Space” was directed by Norman Tokar.
The main cast of the 1978 family movie “The Cat From Outer Space” includes Ken Berry as Frank Wilson, Sandy Duncan as Liz Bartlett, Harry Morgan as General Stilton, Ronnie Schell as Sgt. Duffy/Voice of Jake, and Roddy McDowall as the voice of Mr. Stallwood.
“The Cat From Outer Space” is a comedy with some elements of science fiction.
The main message of “The Cat From Outer Space” is the importance of understanding and accepting those who are different from us. Through Zake’s interactions with the humans, the movie emphasizes the idea that we should strive to see past our differences and learn from one another.
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