If you ever saw a Trapper Keeper commercial in the 1980s, you know how inadequate the ultimately made you feel.

It always played out like this …
Your locker and life were a mess.
You saw a Trapper Keeper commercial, and these magic folders helped all the kids on TV clean up their swill and become beautiful, fulfilled human beings.
You pestered your mom until she bought you a Trapper Keeper.
You took your Trapper Keeper to school and tried to organize your life.
The bullies beat the crap out of you for being such a nerd.
Your crap didn’t fit in the Trapper Keeper.
You jammed your Trapper Keeper in the bottom of your locker, and your life was messier than ever.
The “good” news is, those old 80s Trapper Keeper commercials can bring back all those feelings in a flash, and have you hankering for a Mead run.
Here, see for yourself …
The Nerds and The Clueless
This beauty gives you a full-on dose of both 80s nerd culture and 80s preppy culture, all in one neat little 30-second package. And … uh … did anyone ever *keep* their Trapper Keeper so neat??
After Lunch Delight
Ah, yes … who doesn’t remember all the love affairs that were kicked off over a Trapper Keeper in front of a geeky kid’s train wreck of a locker. Happened all the time to me, for sure.
Lori Loughlin in a Trapper Keeper commercial? Yeah, this one’s almost too easy. Like …
You suppose she kept fake IDs in there?
Or some sort of lifted test answers?
Or maybe some college essays she bought from the chess club dude?
Whatever’s in there, you know it’s better than what you had in your own Trapper.
Secret Keeper?
Buy Your Memories in Bulk
Every protagonist is only as good as their antagonist is bad. And, man … when it came to throwing down among folder thingies in the 1980s, the battles didn’t come any tighter than Trapper Keeper v. Bulk.
The Trapper was all space-age efficiency and buttoned-down anal retention.
The Bulk was all “I need all this shit with me all the time but I don’t want to drop it all over the hallway.”
Lots of “all” references, for sure.
Which was good and which was bad is open to interpretation and which end of the organization spectrum you swing to on any given day.
Get Off My Lawn, You Damn Fool Kids!
If you want to feel old, there’s not much better way to go about it than to roll out some of your most cherished memories and let today’s kids pass judgement. This entry from FBE takes our beloved Trapper Keepers and throws them right into the grade school wood chipper. Hold on to your nostalgia bits.
(Like Trapper Keeper Commercials? Then you might like our article on Lunch Boxes, click here.)
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