The Flintstones was a popular animated television show that aired in the 1960s. It followed the lives of a modern Stone Age family, the Flintstones, and their neighbors, the Rubbles. One of the characters was a young baby named Bam Bam, who is the son of the Rubbles.
What does Bam Bam say in Flintstones? Well, Bam Bam was known for his catchphrase, “Bam Bam, Bam Bam Bam!”, which he would often say when he was excited or enthusiastic about something. He was also know to carry a caveman club that he would slam back and forth on the ground when he said, “Bam Bam, Bam Bam Bam”. This catchphrase has become iconic and is still recognized and remembered by many people today.
Despite being just a baby, Bam Bam was also incredibly strong and could often be seen lifting heavy objects and helping out with various tasks around the house. He often grabbed adults by a finger and clubbed them on the ground all while saying his catchphrase, “Bam Bam, Bam Bam Bam!”. He was a lovable and energetic character who added a lot of fun and excitement to the show.
Overall, Bam Bam was a beloved character on The Flintstones and his catchphrase “Bam Bam, Bam Bam Bam!” has gone on to become some of the most memorable and iconic moments from the show.