The animated film adaptation of family movie “The Little Prince” was released in 1974.
“The Little Prince” was directed by Stanley Donen.
The voice of The Little Prince in the 1974 movie was provided by Steven Warner.
The movie adaptation of “The Little Prince” follows the same basic storyline as the original book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It tells the story of a young prince who leaves his tiny asteroid home to explore the universe and make new friends, including a pilot whose plane has crash-landed in the desert. The film includes elements of fantasy and adventure as the Little Prince encounters various characters on his journey, including a rose, a fox, and a king.
Some of the notable voice actors in the 1970 movie adaptation of “The Little Prince” include Richard Kiley as the pilot, Gene Wilder as the fox, Bob Fosse as the snake, and Joss Ackland as the king.
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